HaLoHA eVeRyBodY................;)

welcome to my super duper delicious cheezy wedges.....;)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

meoW ku Mak bUYunG...........Heeee

hai da lame xupdate blog....i got happy news to share with u guys....nk tau pe die tak? mesti suspensss kn,kn,kn? walaupun sebenarnye xde la suspens mane pun.....heeeeee

the happy news is my cats will become a mother soon...................kiteorg panggil die Miko. die skrg tgh sarat mengandung..errrr kucing pun panggil mengandung ke aa......heeee...bunting la koyt....erm cm same je ngan manusia,,,,bunting pelamin...sape yg tiru sape ni................hehehehehe.

kesian i tgk die...............myusung perut yg besar memboyot......lgpun ni first time die bunting....nmpk xlarat je die bjalan.............mlm2 lak tidonye serba xkena, skejap ke kiri, sekejap ke kanan...last2 i tgk da tkankang kakinye ke atas.....hahahhaha..so sweett....;)...selesa la sikit agaknya kedudukan cmtu utk tido dgn perut yg mbesar ke kiri dan kanan badannye....(biasanye manusia perut mbesar ke depan, kucing perut mbesar ke tepi).

hopefully she will deliver her baby in a gud condition...hope everything goes well....;)

mesti u 'all nk knal nga kucing i knnn....

haaaa ni la Miko..........mom to be.....heeee

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